The Pro Flipper Show

An Event Better Than eBay Open?

Episode Summary

Rob and Melissa Stephenson from Flea Market Flipper talk about the Reseller Summit 2024.

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Episode Transcription

An Event Better Than Ebay Open? 

Rob Stephenson: What's up, Pro Flippers? On today's episode, we have a super fun announcement, and we are excited to be with you guys today. So what is this big announcement? We have the third annual reseller summit and it is kicking off soon. 

Melissa Stephenson: Next week, depending on when you're listening to this podcast.

But on May 21st, we kick things off and this is our third reseller summit. And we are so excited to bring you some amazing speakers, some amazing topics. And we'll dive into a couple of them, to explain a little bit about what will be there because it's going to be an awesome event. It's already, we've already got people in the Facebook group.

We already are starting some conversations and we just have some really cool topics that we're gonna be talking about. 

Rob Stephenson: So let's back up for a second. What is the reseller summit? If you have not been around here for a while, you might not even know what it is. Guys, we bring a different speakers from all different ways of making money in the reselling world, all different people, and we bring them all together in one summit so you guys can learn. So many different ways of making money in this business. Like Melissa said, we stay in our own lane. We like the high profit flipping, but that's not the only way to do this business. So we're going to show you guys so many other resellers out there that are killing it in their niche, what they're doing, and we want to give you guys some different options out there to be in this reselling business. 

Melissa Stephenson: Yeah. So the goal is to really give you some more information about different ways of doing your reselling business and to also, you know, motivate and encourage you and to be around other like minded people. Always anytime something's like a live event, this is virtual, but it's still a live event.

You just get that energy from people. And it's so fun to just, you know, get energized, I guess, by all the people and what they're doing. And even if you have been thinking about doing this business for a while, and you just keep thinking about it, this is a great place to start because the ticket is free.

It's free to jump in. It's free. And, if you want to get access to the replays, there is a place that you can upgrade your ticket to get access to the replays ongoing. You can keep them lifetime access, and you'll be able to log in and see those anytime. But, but the event itself, when the videos, when the presentations are live, it's free. And yeah, it's just, I don't know. It's a fun time. We've always, we've really enjoyed this event that we've hosted and in the past, and it's going to be a fun time this time and we'll dive into some of the speakers. 

Rob Stephenson: Absolutely. And some of the speakers, they do a presentation and some of them, we actually do interviews with them.

So we get a pool information out of them about their business, about how successful they are. So it's just so much fun for us to be involved in this, for hosting this event. It's just so much fun. And it's so rewarding for us to be able to interact with all these different speakers who are going to be at the summit.

Melissa Stephenson: Yeah. So like we're covering topics like, I know, Emily Baker, Crazy Flippin Mom is talking about selling on Walmart. So that is, I'm excited for that one because I've never, I've seen her on Instagram and I've seen other people sell on Walmart, but I've never really dove into any of it. Like I didn't know, I don't even know how you start.

So, she's talking about selling on Walmart for beginners, which is super cool. So we've Kat the Nurse Flipper talking about sourcing on online auctions. And I know she's in a very rural area, like area, rural area. So sourcing is not always as easy. Like, sometimes people think, you know, you're in a big area, so it's a lot easier to find things, but she's not in a big area.

So, so that's pretty cool that she found a way to source, and she's gonna share it with us. Absolutely. So, I'm not gonna dive through all of them, because you can go to to and go and look at all the speakers that we have, cause we have 20 plus speakers. We're going to cover taxes.

Mark Tew, Not Your Dad's CPA is helping us talk about taxes. We got rockstar flipper, Casey Parris. He's talking about systems and scaling with VAs, which is really cool because there is a point that you get to in your business. that you need, you, you can only do so much. You're the bottleneck. And so you have to see if the numbers work.

Is it worth hiring a part time VA? Is it worth? So he's going to dive into that, like what that looks like. And if you're at that level, so. 

Rob Stephenson: Nick Loper, the Side Hustle Nation, he has interviewed so many, what did he tell us? Over 600 side hustles he has interviewed on his podcast. He's coming in giving some awesome, awesome, flippers, flippers, different niches that have been exactly been in this industry and kind of showing what, what makes them different and how, what common threads there are for successful flippers and just successful people inside hustle.

So an amazing interview actually with Nick Loper as well. Just so many cool, cool people that will be at the event. 

Melissa Stephenson: Yeah, another fun one is, one that we got to talk to, Bill Allen. We're going to present that with Bill Allen on, house flipping. So that is a new one that we've never really covered before.

So it was a, it's going to be really cool to see because there, I don't know, there's just, it's not as hard to get started the way he presents it as a lot of people think so. So I'm really excited about that one. And he knows this stuff. He's been how many houses do you say he flipped? 

Rob Stephenson: Over a thousand. Over a thousand? Over a thousand houses?

Melissa Stephenson: That's pretty cool. And then we have Beau Hunter with shoes telling us about shoes and one of our other members Matt Shirley talking about electronics, which is really cool because that is a really cool niche if you learn it, it can be very profitable. So we're excited to have, have him. So, another one that I'm really excited, I'm excited about all of them, but another one I'm super excited about is, Silvia Myers from Traffic Ninjas.

She is talking about selling on Shopify. So, which is a really cool alternative to selling on eBay or selling on these other platforms. Obviously, we've talked about this on the podcast before. We love eBay because it gets you more reach, like it gets you in front of those people, but some people really hate the fees.

So when is it worth it to do a Shopify store? And she, she's going to go through that and how does that even, what does that even look like? So I'm excited about that one. So, we have just so many cool. Cool ones. Julie, sorry, I'm taking over. No, go ahead. Okay. I'm just kind of reading these. Julie with Casa Chic talking about clothing, turning used clothing into cash.

So she does a lot of she's very specific. We had her on the podcast not that long ago talking about clothing. So that'll be a good one. If you at all do clothes, or you want to get into it, like, she's very particular, like doesn't do the super low end, but doesn't do the super high end. And she has a very, like, she knows what sells and this is what she goes through.

So it's really cool. We have a lot of great speakers. So make sure you go and check out, theresellersummit.Com. What are some other topics I have? So like locally on Facebook marketplace, we have one member that was just selling locally and doing amazing at it so and in Canada, so which is pretty cool. 

Rob Stephenson: And a mindset coach, somebody who actually helps you get out of the spot where you're at. And you guys, everybody has imposter syndrome has they have analysis paralysis. We dive in deep with her trying to figure out how people can get better results in their business. So much fun. So it's such a great interview that we were able to do with her. Just, it's just going to be so much fun.

So many speakers that are going to bring so much amazing, amazing content to the summit. We're so excited for it. If you can't tell by our voices, if you guys have not got your ticket yet, you have to go get it. It's a free registration. You can totally do it and watch the summit live actually. Yep. 

Melissa Stephenson: And we're going to get to hang out with you.

We're going to go live every morning and night and recap the day, launch the day. And it's just, it's a fun time together, and learning together and, and yeah. And bonding over all things flipping which is super fun. So make sure you go and grab your ticket We'll put the link in the show notes below and we hope to see you there.

Rob Stephenson: Can't wait to see you there.