The Pro Flipper Show

The 2 Things That Might Be Holding You Back

Episode Summary

Rob and Melissa Stephenson from Flea Market Flipper talk about the two things that might be holding you back in your reselling business.

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The 2 Things That Might Be Holding You Back!

Rob: What's up, Pro Flippers? On today's episode, we are talking about the two things that could be holding you back right now from making the money you want to make in your flipping business. 

Melissa: And they might not be what you think they are. 

Rob: Alright, guys, today we are tackling two big things that could be holding you back and we want to actually just bust them.

We want to show you guys exactly how you can get past them and start making the money that you want to make. 

Melissa: Yeah. So we've had the ability to work with and so honored to have the ability to work with a lot of people over the last nine years of doing this, sharing our journey online. And so we've, you know, put out content.

We've helped people. We have had a group of flippers for nine years now, and it's been really cool to see people grow. But in that time, you also see the limiting beliefs that people have or the things that hold them back, and the things that keep people and you can almost, I did the same thing in personal training.

Like I, in personal training, I would get somebody and I was like, I know they're gonna make it or I know they're, they're not gonna make, like they're not gonna be able to make their goals because they're holding themselves back for these certain reasons. Like I could read them usually pretty well. And so you kind of get to that like you start to get to know people and then you kind of see the top things that are holding people back. And that's what we're going to talk about today, the top two things that could be holding you back from making more money in your flipping business. Because we want you to be making the income that you want to make with the amount of work that you want to do.

Rob: Absolutely. And with all the people that we have worked with, even we do one on one coaching with with some of our students and it is one of those things that this is almost every single person struggles with one or two of these things. To actually go to the next level in the business and you really have to conquer these to be able to go to that next level and make the money that you want to make.

Melissa: All right. So let's dive in. Let's do it. The first one is taking action. So I know it sounds simple. I know it's like, of course you have to do the thing, but there's a lot of things that hold people back from starting to take action in a business. Like there's so much information out there on the internet and you can do research galore and learn.

Everything about everything, but unless you actually start implement, implement that action, you'll be stuck. So.

Rob: And what's the biggest thing that does? This is probably analysis paralysis. You're trying to figure everything out. You're trying to make sure that everything is perfectly fine before you actually put yourself out there.

So where you get an item listed or whatever it is to go to that next level, you're just stuck in analysis paralysis, but you cannot see the results you want. If you do not take that first step, you do not take action to actually go to the next level. So we see this time and time again with students that they learn, they watch videos, they watch content, they will learn, they learn everything they possibly can.

But then they just get stuck and they can't take that first step. 

Melissa: Yeah, and we've even designed our program to like, you'd go learn something and then go do something. And you learn something, go do something because you learn the most by doing. And if you don't, like, you're, you're gonna make mistakes. I think that, and that's another one I wrote too, is that you're afraid of making mistakes.

And that's okay, you're gonna make mistakes. It happens. And, like know that it's gonna be okay and you'll get through it and you'll learn from that mistake. And you probably will be a lot more cautious and not make that mistake again. So and if you make that mistake like we you know, always tell people starting out on smaller items, then it's not you know a thousand dollar mistake.

It's a ten dollar mistake. And it will not break the bank. So

Rob: absolutely. So just know that we're giving you guys permission. You will make mistakes. One of the things, even if you think back to anything in your life, when you grow the most, when you learn the most is really in hard times, you're learning as you're making mistakes and you're not going to make the same mistakes over.

So we're giving you guys that permission, but when you're starting off, or even when you're trying to go to the next level, you will make mistakes in this business, but you can, almost everything is fixable. You can totally, you know, get back on the right path. If something happens in your business or in a listing or something sells and shipping messes up, you, there's ways to get back on it, but you have to be willing to take that first step and be willing to make a mistake if you have to make a mistake because that's how you learn from it.

Melissa: Yeah. And another reason for not taking action could be you're overwhelmed and, and when we're going through these, like we're not, uh, not, these either. Like these are things that we've processed and gone through and continue to go through on a daily basis. So, but overwhelm is a huge thing. Cause they're, like I said a minute ago, there is so much information out there.

You can get overwhelmed. Like you go research something on YouTube, you get one answer from one person and then you get a different answer from a different person just because they might have different business models and that's okay. Like people do this business differently, but I would suggest finding, Somebody you look up to and follow them and not try to follow 50, 000 people.

Not that they're like, we kind of did that. We kind of honed in on like two or three entrepreneurs that we listened to a podcast because like, we don't want to have, it's so easy to just have shiny object syndrome and like, Oh, this is a great idea. Oh, this is a great idea. Oh, this is, and then you're just like so much information.

I can't even start. So 

Rob: yeah, 

Melissa: you're the king of shiny. Yeah, absolutely. 

Rob: Absolutely. And it is that. does help if you find that one person or you find that one thing that you actually set your, your course to and stick with it. Now, like Melissa said, anything is going to derail you when you find these other shiny objects that you can go off after.

If you make the decision that you want to follow this and get results from this program or whatever program it is, whatever business model that you look like, cause ours is totally different than a lot of resellers out there, but it's one of those things that when you focus on it, you have to focus on it to get those results.

And you have to stay on that path to be able to get the results. 

Melissa: And that's what your brother-in-law told you a long time ago. If you would just focus on one thing, you would be successful because you would change like, oh, this is a great idea. Oh, this is a great idea. And I mean, that's, that's not uncommon.

So, but focusing on that one thing is very helpful. And then another one that I wrote down is being so busy. Busyness, like, and just being, that goes with overwhelm and it goes with kind of not making it a priority. And this is something that we deal with too. Like, this is not like calling, whatever, I don't know what you say, but not calling you out, but at the same time if you really want to do this, it has to be a priority. Like it has to like even you talk about like you get behind on listing. Yeah, and that's something you struggle with. You know you're the bottleneck of, but you have to make it a priority and then you do you make it a priority. I'm gonna get you know, you know, X amount listed this week, and I'm going to do, do this.

So make it a priority to get those items listed and take that action to move forward. So.

Rob: Yeah, and you have, Melissa has been, she went through network marketing, and the trainings in some of those, multi level, marketing, they, they're amazing and they tell you one of the biggest things that they say is if you treat this as a business, because a lot of people come into our world and they're doing it as a side hustle, where they're trying to get the results.

But if you treat this like a business, then that's how you're going to get paid. You're going to get paid like it's a business versus you treating it like a side hustle and barely putting any time or any effort on learning skills and implementing stuff. If that's how it is, you're not going to get paid the money that you want to make if you're only doing it, half heartedly at it.


Melissa: So, and that also comes with like, you know, making excuses that, you know, we hear excuses a lot and you know, I, it's just the truth. You hear excuses and then you're like, well, yes, I understand that this is what's happening and everything's valid. You're, everybody's busy. Life is busy. We have three kids.

We totally get it. Our schedule gets crazy. But if it's something you're setting out to do, you just have to, what has to give to make that happen. So taking that action. So this is your permission to make it a priority if this is really what you want to do and grow your flipping business. So, and we're like not advocates of working 40 to 60 hours a week.

Like that's not, that's not our goal. 

Rob: No, I am not a workaholic. 

Melissa: No.

Rob: I do not want to be a workaholic and yeah, we just, we want to be able to get, and we've honed our skills so, so much on the last nine years on high profit, larger items. We've done it so much that we're very efficient in what we do. We know what we want to do and we know the profits.

We want big, big profits. So we walk past a lot of stuff, and to be able to go after those high profit things that we've honed our skills on. And that's the biggest thing with the business is honing in your skills. You'll get better and better and better, less mistakes, less mistakes to be able to make the money that you want to make.

Melissa: Yeah. And so one of the last ones on not taking action. A reason maybe that you're not taking action is because you lack confidence, which is actually our second biggest thing that we see that people don't grow their flipping business. So is lacking the confidence in themselves or in this business or just overall, like moving forward, you kind of get it.

That goes back with analysis paralysis. You're like, okay, what do I do next? So getting that confidence. So. 

Rob: Confidence is a huge thing and you can't get confidence until you just keep repeating what you're doing and get better and better at it. The confidence that I have now, just because I've been doing this for almost three decades is insane.

It's, it's because I know what I know about this business. I've gone through so many different situations, that I just know it. I get on the phone with eBay if we have an issue and I just have the confidence of I know how it should be handled and I know what to do and how to talk to them to make them handle it the way that it should be handled.

So, probably. I would almost say nine out of the ten people that I talk to eBay, maybe even ten out of ten. I've been doing it longer than they've been actually in a representative for eBay. Way, way longer. So I've had situations that they have no idea what to do. They go back to their supervisors or to their, their manual of figuring out stuff and half of them that we talked to, if not three quarters, don't really know how to handle a situation.

So, but that's one of those things with confidence. You gain confidence by the more repetition that you do in this business. And don't let that stop you. But out of the students that we work with, especially the one on one students, that is one of the biggest things that's holding them back is the confidence.

You have to have the confidence to do this business and really, really get a lot of times too. 

Melissa: We're bringing people from a lot of volume or just getting started to that next level of selling $1,000 and $5,000 and there is a hurdle of mindset in there that like, okay, I don't understand how this is working and can I really do it?

Can I ship an item in a big box or on a pallet? Like, do I, do I have that ability? And it really comes with, doing it and so like that we try to breed that confidence in them because we know it works. We've done it. We've had multiple people do it. Hundreds of people do it and so we know that it works. It's just breathing that belief of confidence into that person because we know that they can do it.

Rob: Absolutely. Almost every single. One on one student that we've worked with when they do their first pallet shipment, they all come back and say what Rob, why did I wait so long? This was not what I assumed it would be It was not as as hard as I assumed it would be. I wish I had done it years and years prior because it's 

Melissa: the thought of doing it was harder than 

Rob: it really was 

Melissa: actually doing it. 

Rob: It really was, so that's one of those things that yeah, the more that you do it the easier it gets. It's the more confidence, your confidence grows with it.

So yeah, we totally get confidence is very, it's one of those things that will grow with time. But that's what holds a lot of people back is the confidence to do it. 

Melissa: Yeah. I even, so this is a completely off topic analogy, but just recently we picked, we picked up pickleball. Okay, so we're slightly obsessed with pickleball at the moment, but we would go to, so we started playing our friends and our family and we, then we would go to one of our local courts, they have like 10 courts set up, and in the evenings and in the mornings you go and there's so many people there. It was so overwhelming and so like, we can't go here, we have to find a different court because there's too many people.

And so we would never, we didn't go for probably a month or two months, we just would play with our friends a couple times and then finally one of our friends said, no you need to come, it's a lot of fun, there's people there, like you have competition. And so, but we got there and it was so overwhelming and it was nerve wracking and then, because there's just so many people and now, and like, but you end up putting your paddles in and you play. And then you get like the next two people play the winners and they have a whole set system and it's a blast and we love it.

And now Rob is actually one of the ones that helps people learn how to put their paddle in and how the whole process works. But because of we've done it now, we've gained the confidence of, you know, we've, we're getting better at the sport. I'm not as nervous to play in front of people anymore. Like it's just fun and we have a blast doing it.

It's something we can do together and our kids are there playing too. And so like, we just have a great time doing it, but if we would have let that like, just being scared and not confident to play in front of other people or know how the system works, we wouldn't have been there. And we're, okay, we're slightly obsessed.

We're there almost every night. But, anyway, I don't know if you wanted to add to that. 

Rob: Yeah, no.

It's a true thing. That's building the confidence and getting better and better at it. Now, you know, when we go there, I, Melissa, just the other night, there's three people that were just standing off in the side, not really knowing what to do, how the whole process worked.

And Melissa's like, hey, do you guys want to play? And they're like, yeah, we haven't put our paddles in yet. And Melissa's like, and then I jump in and I say, oh, this is so much fun. Let's go. I'll walk you and show you how to do it. But it's just the confidence of being there, doing it over and over and over again and understanding how the whole court system works, how the paddle works and all that kind of stuff.

So like Melissa said, this is off topic, but it really boils down to the confidence with repetition, with doing it more and more and more. The more confidence you build now, I have no problem whatsoever. Even when somebody is doing something wrong with the paddles. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. That's not how it goes.

This is the next paddle that goes, this is where it goes. And same thing with the courts. We have the confidence to be able to do that, but it didn't come our first time there. And it won't come your first time learning something. 

Melissa: It helps that we've done it every day. 

Rob: Does it will? I mean, the first time you're learning it, you won't have that confidence, but the more and more you do it, the better you will get at it and the more confidence it will grow inside of you.


Melissa: So, taking action will grow your confidence and growing your confidence will help you take more action. So the two of the results go together, get results, grow your flipping business. That's what we want for you. So go out and do it. We do have a couple of spots left in our one on one coaching that we just opened up the last few weeks.

You can go to and fill out the application and see if it's a good fit for you. It's not for everybody. But if it's a good fit, then we would love to work with you and help you start us scaling your business and selling $1,000, $2,000, even more in one pop.

Rob: You guys are awesome. Thanks for hanging with us today. We cannot wait to see you on the next episode.