The Pro Flipper Show

What We Sold Over The Weekend For A Total Of $1685

Episode Summary

Rob and Melissa Stephenson from Flea Market Flipper talk about what they sold over the weekend to make $1,685 in sales.

Episode Notes

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Episode Transcription

What We Sold Over The Weekend For A Total Of $1,685

Rob: What's up, Pro Flippers? On today's episode, we're talking about what we sold this weekend for a total of $1,685 and only three items. right, guys, today we are talking about the three items we just sold over the weekend for a total of $1,685.

Melissa: Yeah. So we're going to dive into those three items, kind of give us what we sold it for, what we paid for it, our eBay fees, shipping costs, and of course the profits, because that is what it boils down to, to be able to make a successful business is to know what your profit margins are. 

Rob: That's it. So kicking it off, the first thing that we sold is a boom box. We sold, I think this is probably from the nineties. One of those, retro or, well, maybe not retro, but you know, it just a boom box, a radio, stereo radio that had a CD player, tube tape decks. You guys might remember from the eighties and the nineties.

We sold one of those. We got it from a thrift store, paid, how much did we pay for that one? 

Melissa: We paid, where are we, ten dollars for that. 

Rob: Ten dollars at the local thrift store, here, and then we sold it for $250. $250. 

Melissa: $250. So, and eBay fees were $25. Shipping costs, we still haven't shipped, we're going to ship everything out, yeah, tomorrow.

So, but it, they should be around $25, which brings our estimated profit to $190. 

Rob: $190 for a $10 item that we bought. I love it. Love it. Love it. 

Melissa: You did sit on this one for a little while. 

Rob: I did. And it was a unique one because like I said, it's a boom box and I asked pretty much top dollar for it. So yeah, it took me a little while to find the right buyer for it.

But. The buyer found it and that is what we look for is that and this was not really big a very, a smaller boom box. It just sat on the shelf. Not a big deal at all to store it for me I didn't care. It's inventory in the warehouse and I just wait till it sales sells for the right price So, all right item number two was actually a floor? 

Melissa: Floor stripper. 

Rob: Floor stripper. So this was an electric floor stripper.

This was not working properly, but I did a video showing how it worked. You actually had to start it. So typically for floor strippers this is an electric one has a motor with a little blade on the front of it and the blade just kicks like that to strip, like tiles or glue from concrete. This one had a top on the motor and to get it started you actually had to spin the the top.

And that was what kicked off the motor so it would start so it wasn't exactly working properly, but it was working. So I took a video of it and did it. We paid $75 for this? 

Melissa: Yep, $75. 

Rob: $75 for it and then we sold it for? 

Melissa: $500 plus $150 for shipping. 

Rob: So $650 including shipping on it should cost me about, I would say about $100, maybe $125 on shipping, but roughly estimate on a hundred dollars.

All three of these items that we sold will go in boxes. They actually will not be, 

Melissa: no pallets for these. 

Rob: Yeah, no pallets on this. So killer, killer deal on that. For a $75 investment.

Melissa: I have eBay fees where $88 shipping costs are roughly a hundred dollars, which brings the profit on that item to $387. 

Rob: $387.

Almost $400 for that for us. 

Melissa: Yep. And you paid $75 for it. 


Rob: we didn't even have this one that long. I had it for a couple months. I

Melissa: never even saw that one. 

Rob: Yeah, it's, it's in the trailer. Had it for a couple months, but sold fairly quickly, especially because it is. One that is not working a hundred percent proper, proper.

And that's a great lesson. It doesn't have to be working perfect to be able to sell it. You just have to disclose what's wrong with it when you do sell it. And that's what I did for this. So the buyer, knows what's going on. They, when they bought it. 

Melissa: So, and you got this from your flea market, one of your flea market vendors, right?

Rob: Yeah. Contact, yep. Contacted the flea market for sure. So number three. 

Melissa: Number three is a fun one. I remember getting this one. It was at a thrift store. It was the oxygen. It's a oxygen bar that gives flavor. I don't know exactly what it is, but 

Rob: I don't either. It's one of the small things. It's a little plastic thing that, yeah, it, it pumps in oxygen, but they actually mix it, concentrate it with like a different flavors. And they do it, they, they popped up all over the U S these oxygen bars, to where you can go in and put kind of like oxygen on your, your nose and breathe different flavors with it. So I don't know that much about it. I sold this one as is, I don't have no idea if it works. I didn't know that much about it when I bought it, but what'd I pay, $15 for it?

Melissa: $15 at the thrift store. It was just sitting there on the shelf. I remember you just looked it up because you're like, oh, it kind of looks interesting and looked it up and they retailed for over $3,000. So.

Super expensive on the retail. So at $15, I was like, somebody will want this. We definitely had this one for a while, but again, this one very, very small.

Rob: I didn't care. I priced it at the right price. Somebody reached out. So I had it listed for $1,000. Somebody reached out and asked if I would take $700. I sent him an offer for $750. And I moved it. So that was the biggest thing is we've had it for a little while. I was okay with selling it for a little bit less than what I had it listed for just because I could move it.

And we paid $15 for it to $750, plus $ 35 for shipping is what the total cost was on this. Killer, killer deal on that. Love that. 

Melissa: I wanted to point out that you said you counter offered at $750 because that is a mindset game with the negotiation. Because if you would have just accepted the $700, They might not have gone through with it.

And that's just something that you like to do. And it's not like you needed that. I mean, of course, yeah, an extra 50 b$50great, but, it, it was more of a mindset thing for him to actually go through with the sale. 

Rob: I honestly would've been happy at $700 to be honest with you guys. I would've been okay with it because I sat on it for a little while.

Not like, it's not a huger deal. Sit on a little shelf. It's not that big, but at the same time, it's a unique thing that not everybody needs. Somebody is going to open this commercial oxygen bar, and they need this thing. So, to find the right person who needs it, I'm okay with it. I would have done $700, but at the same time, like Melissa said, we've talked about this in the past.

When somebody offers you something, if you jump back right away and say, yes, I'll take $700. They're like, well, shoot, I should've went lower than that. And that's not what I want to do. So if he would've come back and said, I can't do $750, I'll do $700. Then I would've dropped the price to $700. So all that being said is, yeah, sometimes it's a mind game that we work when we are in this, this, this business, just to work smart.

That's what we're trying to do is be smart as we can with what we're doing. 

Melissa: That was on a trip. We got that one in Colorado. I think we were on Christmas break, Christmas trip. So over there, we're always looking for stuff. We always want to pay for our vacations with the stuff we find. We sold that for $750 plus $35 for shipping, paid $15 for the item, eBay fees were $104 and shipping costs should be around $25. It's not very big. So. 

Rob: No, yeah, definitely less than that. It's not that big at all. So, I would

Melissa: In profit, it's around $641. 

Rob: $641 for a $15 investment. Love it when we're able to do that. Well, you did sit on it.

That's the thing is we're looking for high profit. Really, really what we're doing and a couple of these items. Yeah, we did sit on them for a little bit, but I'm okay with it. They weren't huge items. These were not, these are not big pallet items that we're actually shipping. Very small that I can throw on a shelf.

And that's what I'm looking for. I'm not looking for those items that I can throw on a shelf that are $10 or $15. I want to be in hundreds of dollars with these smaller items that we're doing. That's what the goal is when we're looking in sourcing for these items. 

Melissa: I will add the stuff that's sitting or that has been sitting for a while that's not listed is the stuff, that's not good to be sitting in the warehouse, right? 

Rob: The key is getting stuff listed as quick as you can listed. That's it. And then you can have it out there for sale to where if you need to negotiate with it, you can negotiate or sell it as is whatever it is. Yeah, it just has to get let's it can't sell if it does It's not listed.

So killer deal on this over the weekend I think all these sold within two days. So I love it. We will be shipping them out tomorrow. Yeah, killer killer deals Love it. So what overall, overall profit? 

Melissa: Our total was $1,685 sold. Cost of goods was a hundred dollars. 

Rob: So hundred bucks into everything that we had which killer deal for sixteen hundred dollars in sales.

I love it. We only had to invest a hundred bucks on this. 

Melissa: eBay fees were $217, and I, nothing was, promoted, so, we didn't have anything promoted. 

Rob: Great point, because, yeah, a lot of people are working promoted stuff right now. These are unique items that don't have a lot of competition. That's another thing that we actually search for, are items that don't have a lot of competition.

When we found these, I love it when I can find those. Sometimes I have to sit a little bit longer. But like I said, these are not huge items, so I'm absolutely okay with that. 

Melissa: Yeah, and you have you are playing with promotions again. But they none of these were promoted. They were already 

Rob: Crazy because I just turned some promotions back on. 

Melissa: Which could have helped these you never know. So. 

Rob: You don't know. You don't know what actually made these jump in and sell but that's okay. Like I said, it's one of those things that we're always experimenting trying to find out how to move items as quick as possible and it worked so we turned on some promotions on some other listings and these ended up selling which is awesome.

We, we love sales period. So, $1,685 total and then 

Melissa: $100 invested. Shipping will be around $150. We'll get those numbers, those dialed numbers for sure tomorrow. And then the profit is $1,218. 

Rob: $1,218. It's over $1,000 in profit for $100 investment. So that's really what we shoot for is we're trying to 10x our investment.

So if I'm investing $100, I want to make $1,000. We went over that on this one. Love it that we're able to do that. That's really, really what we try and do really what we focus on is that 10x. 

Melissa: Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to. No, go ahead. The reason why we do that is because that is what your time is worth. Like, you know, people sometimes comment on our stuff like, well, what about the time you have involved?

Yes. There is time involved and, and. We want to get paid for that time involved in the work that you're putting into it. So we have to know like when we're buying an item, can we at least get 10 X what we're paying for it? And that makes all the fees, all the shipping costs and the time worth it in our business model.

Rob: Yeah. And the cool thing about both two of these items, they did come from a thrift store, they're smaller items that we made high profits on at the local thrift store. Well, one would local and one was on the road when we were on a road trip. So, but that's awesome that we're able to source some things at thrift stores versus finding all the items that we do at Facebook Marketplace, or the apps or even at the flea market, stuff like that. So that was cool that both of these actually came from thrift stores. 

Melissa: Yep. So that is from this weekend. So we're going to get ready to ship these out and we have an exciting week coming up this week. If you haven't heard yet, we have our third annual reseller summit this week is live and we're super excited about it.

We have some amazing presenters, some amazing information. They're all like, it's due to be so much fun. We already have the Facebook group is already rocking and rolling and getting to know people and you don't have to have Facebook. The presentations are not on Facebook. So if you, if you want are hesitant to jump in because you don't have Facebook.

Yes. Okay, you can still access the presentations, but we're really excited. It's going to be a lot of fun and I think we're going to add one thing that wasn't even on the registration that we're going to add is you're going to do a packaging demo on one of these items that you just sold. So we'll go ahead and get that one done too so that we can do that during the summit as well. So. 

Rob: Totally free event. You guys can register. Also have it in the show notes. What is it? 

Melissa: TheResellerSummit.Com is the link. The website and if you are like worried that you're gonna miss some of the sessions because it's a busy I know we did this at the end of the year and like there's a school stuff. Like we have this is our last week of school, which is just a little bit insane a little crazy all around. So if you feel like you're gonna miss them we do have an option you can upgrade and get the the replays and keep them and you can access them anytime and so that is an option. But the event itself is free and we are super excited to see you there this week.

So, go grab your ticket. 

Rob: Grab it guys. And what's the website again for the ticket? 

Melissa: TheResellerSummit. com 

Rob: Go grab your free ticket. And like Melissa said, if you need to upgrade into lifetime access to these replays, you can totally do that as well. We want to see you there no matter what.

So guys, hopefully you have an amazing day. We can't wait to see you at The Reseller Summit.